Salva's Blog

July 24, 2009

The next years of the planet

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The first days of July, the politicians had met at the G8. They talked about the temperature of the planet. Well, in that meeting a scientist showed a presentation about the actual situation of the planet. This Scientist called Osvaldo Canzani, Copresident of one of the teams from climate change Intergubernamental Panel, told them that if the planet increases the temperature 2ºC more it will be catastrophic. So the politicians talked about how to increase only 2ºC. Are they crazy? Well. it seems that the temperature will increase 5ºC instead of 2 so…

One more time the politicians’ way and the planet’s way is not the same way.

Who do you believe? Politicians or Scientists? In the meantime,last summer in the south hemisphere,  Buenos aires for his first time suffered the attack of the Dengue.

What does it mean? 

The show of that scientist says, among much other things, that in the next years, we will lost a lot of forests (like now in Spain an other countries) and therefore, sickness like Malaria or Dengue, will expand because there will be less animals who kill the insects in the forests. This insects are who transmit this sicknesses.

He also says that will be floods (inundaciones) in citys like Buenos aires Montevideo, in rivers like Tamesis, Orinoco. It will affect to 3 millions of people.

In other parts like USA west,and Mexico -I could say Spain also- ,will be drought (sequía). 

Afric and India will suffer of terrible famine (hambruna).

Well I read a lot of worse thing but probably you haven’t been able to read until here. Have you?

One more thing: The Scientists say that will be imposible not to rise the line of 2ºC and others say that it could be 5ºC

If you believe the scientist and want to do something you have to buy less,and ask you where it’s come from, walk more, save more energy… It is what politicians don´t want!!! It will be worse for the rich people too. The less yo will buy or consume, the less rich they will be.(cuanto menos compres o consumas, menos ricos serán).

Sorry for the bad english..

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